Nourish Baby. Nourish YOU.

Let us teach you how.

Getting Back To You. Mind, Body & Spirit

Your body is made to nourish.

We know what it feels like to lose yourself during pregnancy and motherhood. So many of us love that our bodies are vessels of life but simultaneously struggle with the feeling that our bodies aren’t our own anymore. It is easy to feel depleted, and we have solutions for that.

We offer nutrition services as well as private fitness training with specialists who focus specifically on creating customized programs for prenatal and postpartum women.

If you want an eating plan that maximizes Baby’s nutrition while breastfeeding or one that helps you optimize the calorie burning aspects of breastfeeding, our Registered Dietician will create a customized, safe, and balanced nutrition program for you.

If you’d like to take charge of your fitness while pregnant or soon after, our Certified Pregnancy Exercise Specialist will create a custom fitness regimen to match your goals.

Let us help you with the first steps to feeling empowered, informed, and confident in your own skin during this new stage of life.

personal trainer, prenatal fitness, postpartum diet